The following is a textlog from #YotsubaSociety IRC room at rizon at 3/13/2013, featuring two Russian channers “antithesis” and “wakabaka” giving us an introduction into the history of the Russian chanverse. The textlog also includes some things that I did not knew about: Such as the true admin of the original Russian before it was closed down without warning. So here’s our full textlog.
(7:44:30 AM) antithesis [] entered the room.
(7:44:49 AM) antithesis: Hello
(7:44:53 AM) antithesis: hi frank_usrs
(7:45:05 AM) antithesis: hi Annex
(7:45:11 AM) Annex: hello
(7:45:56 AM) antithesis: What’s up?
(7:46:12 AM) Annex: nm
(7:46:20 AM) Annex: just installed rockbox on my sansa clip zip
(7:56:27 AM) antithesis left the room (quit: Quit: o/).
(8:15:24 AM) Kazisho left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(8:49:25 AM) Kazisho [~milkshake@swamps.of.eternal.dirt] entered the room.
(8:53:43 AM) Tanami is now known as Timeout
(9:44:55 AM) wakabaka [~faggot@6E7E9235.2E39B1F8.1856944A.IP] entered the room.
(9:45:05 AM) wakabaka: so
(9:45:16 AM) wakabaka: Jkid: it was you, wasn’t it?
(9:59:00 AM) sparky4: wakabaka: ^^
(11:14:17 AM) Jkid: wakabaka yes
(11:17:57 AM) wakabaka: Jkid: about that presentation
(11:18:00 AM) wakabaka:
(11:18:07 AM) wakabaka: Jkid: why would you do this?
(11:18:38 AM) wakabaka: Talking about something you don’t know a shit about.
(11:19:40 AM) wakabaka: You resemble me moscowian officials who think they’re into city planning.
(11:19:57 AM) wakabaka: Is there a traffic jam? Let’s remove the traffic lights!
(11:20:18 AM) wakabaka: Talking shit without digging into the problem at all.
(11:21:02 AM) wakabaka: Especially, the part about russian imageboards, that’s what fucking made me scream internally.
(11:21:49 AM) wakabaka: Explain your irresponsible actions or ask your questions.
(11:23:30 AM) wakabaka: Yes, I am serious because you’ve brought that matter somewhere IRL. Even though there were only 2 (two) listeners.
(11:24:44 AM) Jkid: Well because I did two previous panels, and I thought I wanted to add something about russian chans. I know my presentation issues are not up to snuff
(11:25:17 AM) wakabaka: > I wanted to add something about russian chans.
(11:25:23 AM) wakabaka: Why didn’t you ask sparky4?
(11:26:51 AM) Jkid: I did not knew sparky4 is that knowledgeable about russian chans
(11:27:06 AM) wakabaka: She’s maybe not, but I am.
(11:27:15 AM) wakabaka: sparky4 connects you to me
(11:27:18 AM) wakabaka: I explain shit
(11:27:21 AM) wakabaka: whatever
(11:29:01 AM) wakabaka: Not because of subject, but because of your approach to it.
(11:30:32 AM) Jkid: ok…
(11:31:33 AM) Annex: oh boy
(11:31:45 AM) wakabaka: Annex: what’s your problem?
(11:31:50 AM) Annex: nothing
(11:32:00 AM) wakabaka: You wanna talk about it?
(11:32:35 AM) wakabaka: Noone wants to talk about their problems with me.
(11:32:44 AM) wakabaka: I am a bad psychoterpist.
(11:32:55 AM) wakabaka: Minding the fact I actually am not.
(11:33:12 AM) wakabaka: Not a psychoterapist at all.
(11:33:30 AM) Annex: i would never be able to do a panel
(11:33:32 AM) Annex: ugh
(11:34:21 AM) wakabaka: Everyone is able to do it, actually. If he can speak of course.
(11:34:50 AM) wakabaka: I don’t include “she” because women can barely do panels in their kitchens.
(11:35:22 AM) wakabaka: Bljad, I am talking too much.
(11:35:32 AM) Annex: i’d probably pee my pants
(11:36:15 AM) wakabaka: If you need any information on russian imageboard society (excluding sosach, which is not actually an imageboard), contact me.
(11:36:29 AM) wakabaka: (or something like that)
(11:36:30 AM) Jkid: ok
(11:36:41 AM) Jkid: when you mean sosach you mean
(11:36:46 AM) wakabaka: I do
(11:37:54 AM) wakabaka: Also you’ve already got one sosacher on your team, haven’t you?
(11:37:59 AM) Annex: isn’t an imageboard?
(11:40:49 AM) wakabaka: Annex: technically, it is. And technically only.
(11:41:35 AM) wakabaka: Technically imageboard is a forum where you post images.
(11:41:58 AM) wakabaka: So you have an image board. Now merge it with social network.
(11:42:24 AM) wakabaka: Result == sosach.
(11:42:50 AM) wakabaka: russian socil network
(11:43:03 AM) wakabaka: It is several times more stupid than facebook.
(11:51:58 AM) wakabaka: Let me tell you the history of ruaib.
(11:53:10 AM) wakabaka: The first one was, modelled after 4chan and futaba, and firstly introduced to ru_anime community in the feburuary of 2006.
(11:53:54 AM) wakabaka: Domain was created at 2006.02.09, according to whois.
(11:54:27 AM) wakabaka: It was populated by otakus and animufags at first.
(11:55:33 AM) wakabaka: Then, when new threads were rarely started and existing were having around 2000 posts, someone disliked it and wiped /b/ with nigras (homosexual niggers), because of no captcha.
(11:56:59 AM) wakabaka: To wipe is to create as many threads simultaneously, as board can hold. Old threads are getting deleted at once.
(11:57:00 AM) antithesis [] entered the room.
(11:57:21 AM) wakabaka: Then you optionally delete your wipe threads to make the board empty.
(11:58:34 AM) wakabaka: Shortly after that, the captcha was established. That made the 24/7 wipe stop for a while.
(11:59:14 AM) antithesis: wakabaka wwww
(12:00:06 PM) wakabaka: Nigrowipe affected’s audience, they started collecting nigras all over teh internets.
(12:03:27 PM) wakabaka: The latest nigropack (suffix -pack from package) is 6.0 and you can download it somewhere (lost the link).
(12:03:35 PM) wakabaka: nigrapack
(12:04:30 PM) wakabaka: So, posting nigras, guro and feces became something usual. Many anons left after the first nigrawipe, note that.
(12:05:31 PM) wakabaka: In 2007, was forked from and was announced like “2ch without nigras and feces”.
(12:06:07 PM) wakabaka: Then, it really was it. Only a few posters were banned, shock-content was lazily removed.
(12:07:25 PM) wakabaka: A little bit later, the domain was registered. /lm/ had existed even earlier, IIRC, on the domain.
(12:08:19 PM) wakabaka: In 2008, lurkmore was advertised on ( clone, very popular back then). A lot of newcomers started flooding
(12:10:17 PM) wakabaka: Anyway, the first half of 2008 was peaceful and quiet: orikon was created, something was been stealed from 4chan, and then stealed by (another popular resource, won’t explain its role here).
(12:10:55 PM) wakabaka: The summer, and then the last half were like they say “rolling into shit”. Extremely fast rolling.
(12:16:59 PM) wakabaka: Lots of forces (forced memes), deanons (deanonymizing someone is considered to be something lulzy) and baitings.
(12:19:13 PM) wakabaka: In the very beginning of 2009, someone called Artem Zhirkov created (aka mentach, musorach (ment, musor (trash) == milicent ≈ policeman)) and advertised it on extremely actively.
(12:20:13 PM) wakabaka: And then, as of 17th January of 2009, (dvach) died. It has not been revived since then.
(12:20:19 PM) antithesis: Wait wakabaka now you’re helping him with content for his site? I thought you hated him?
(12:20:36 PM) wakabaka: antithesis: I hated what he’d done.
(12:20:46 PM) Jkid: died suddenly because zoi did not want to deal with the persistant spam and cp. He simply had enough
(12:21:02 PM) wakabaka: I reply to people’s posts or actions, not to people themselves, FYI.
(12:21:06 PM) wakabaka: Jkid: correct
(12:21:14 PM) antithesis: wakabaka I think you should write a book about the chan world
(12:21:19 PM) wakabaka: antithesis: no
(12:21:20 PM) Annex: pls do it
(12:21:23 PM) antithesis: w
(12:21:37 PM) wakabaka: Jkid: but that wasn’t zoi, it was Vikenty Y. Fesunov.
(12:23:22 PM) wakabaka: They both (zoi, kentturbo) are from ru_anime, and zoi helped with hosting/domain at first, administrator and late hoster was kentturbo (Vikentiy, pronounced vee-ken-teey).
(12:23:45 PM) antithesis: How can you even deanon someone in the first place?
(12:24:05 PM) wakabaka: antithesis: if he left enough data on the internet
(12:24:05 PM) Jkid: Vikenty Y. Fesunov?
(12:24:10 PM) wakabaka: Jkid: yes
(12:24:18 PM) Jkid: Who was Vikenty?
(12:24:27 PM) antithesis: Oh, that’s called doxxing wakabaka
(12:24:30 PM) wakabaka: Jkid: administrator and hoster
(12:25:10 PM) Jkid: Why did Vinkety killed in the first place?
(12:25:33 PM) wakabaka:
(12:25:38 PM) wakabaka:
(12:25:46 PM) wakabaka: Because he was tired.
(12:26:15 PM) wakabaka: Lately, CP-threads were alive for up to 7 hours before he noticed them.
(12:26:43 PM) Jkid: Then why did the shutdown was incorrectly mentioned to Zoi instead of Vikenty/kentturbo
(12:26:46 PM) wakabaka: You delete them, you even ban CP posters, CP threads are being created again when you’re asleep/afk/whatever.
(12:27:08 PM) wakabaka: Jkid: because the “zoi” nickname stuck to admin.
(12:27:58 PM) wakabaka: Users called him Zoi.
(12:28:09 PM) wakabaka: Zoi, saw it in!
(12:28:12 PM) wakabaka: Zoi, make it!
(12:28:16 PM) wakabaka: Zoi, do it!
(12:28:22 PM) wakabaka: Zoi, delete it!
(12:28:29 PM) wakabaka: Zoi, respond!
(12:28:30 PM) wakabaka: etc.
(12:28:35 PM) Jkid: So Zoi was the public face
(12:29:22 PM) wakabaka: hmm, only “face” as in part of head:
(12:29:46 PM) wakabaka: Actual Zoi had no relation to what was going on.
(12:31:03 PM) wakabaka: Now “zoi” and “internets creator” are kinda synonimous.
(12:31:35 PM) wakabaka: Well, not now, but back then they were.
(12:31:55 PM) wakabaka: Alright, let me continue with after-dvach period.
(12:34:01 PM) antithesis: zoi sosnooley
(12:34:12 PM) wakabaka: Three major russian boards have taken thousands of angry schoolboys. Mentach (02ch) had school/b/oys, IIchan had otakus and animufags, and nullchan (, had the rest.
(12:34:16 PM) wakabaka: antithesis: sosnool
(12:34:32 PM) antithesis: You told me it’s sosnooley yourself
(12:34:33 PM) wakabaka: antithesis: in russian, verbs also have singular and plural forms
(12:34:50 PM) antithesis: ah
(12:34:55 PM) wakabaka: They sosnooley
(12:34:58 PM) wakabaka: He sosnool
(12:35:01 PM) wakabaka: She sosnoolah
(12:35:07 PM) wakabaka: It sosnoolou
(12:36:17 PM) antithesis: waka sosnoolaka
(12:36:40 PM) wakabaka: ω====э (´•ω•` )
(12:37:36 PM) antithesis: Why does he have balls for a nose?
(12:41:46 PM) antithesis: Jkid can I be part of your society?
(12:41:59 PM) Annex: sweecwet swocietwy
(12:42:44 PM) Jkid:
(12:45:18 PM) wakabaka: Okay, next. IIchan’s admin, called Mod-tan, quickly realized that iichan’s /b/ is getting covered in feces in no time and set redirect from to
(12:46:37 PM) wakabaka: Mentach was active around one month and a half, but then schoolars realized they cannot create anything decent themselves and started moving to 0chan.
(12:46:56 PM) wakabaka: So, nullchan took the majority of 2chers then.
(12:48:47 PM) antithesis: wakabaka you should also mention the important part that has played in chan history
(12:48:49 PM) wakabaka: As of 13th February of 2009, there was massive DDoS’es of ruchans and upyachka. Both sides were down, thousands of proxies and hundreds of LOICs fired here and there.
(12:49:03 PM) wakabaka: antithesis: not in russian chan history, you faggot
(12:49:26 PM) antithesis: It is the most important site
(12:50:16 PM) wakabaka: That became history udner the title “The war of Friday, the 13th” and contributed to some 2-3kb copypastas. Also lulz.
(12:52:38 PM) wakabaka: Then, there was the most epic (and the last massive) nullchan’s IRL power showdown, when someone threw into its /b/ the news about Lida Ochkovskaya (Lee-dah Och-kov-skuh-yah) died because of her classmates and math teacher.
(12:53:23 PM) wakabaka: She was a 15-year-old actress, played various musical instruments, sung and whatever else.
(12:53:43 PM) wakabaka: Her classmates and math teacher bullied her so she took some pills and died.
(12:53:56 PM) wakabaka: It was a 10-thread-long drama.
(12:54:11 PM) wakabaka: It resulted in firing that teacher and lulz.
(12:57:01 PM) wakabaka: In early 2009 there were also hopes for 2ch to resurect and several attempts to make a board with 2ch design (,, etc.) but they all failed.
(12:58:32 PM) wakabaka: Also, somewhere in March of the same year, on nullchan were threads about board’s mascot. Artists (those who not left for iichan) submitted their madskillzes (mdskillz is singular here) and the shits were boiling.
(12:59:42 PM) wakabaka: Three variants (Null-tan (later Null-sama), Bydlo-tan (later Null-tan) and Null-cat (that green cat with an eyepatch)) became mascots. All three of them at once, yes.
(1:00:48 PM) antithesis left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(1:01:57 PM) wakabaka: Then, in April, one faggot managed to “resurrect 2ch”: (dva-ch, dvatirech (dvuh-tee-ratch) or just tirech (tee-ratch)).
(1:02:55 PM) wakabaka: It had the original design. At first, That Atmosphere™ was there, and it delivered by its creepy-threads.
(1:03:24 PM) wakabaka: Soon, Creepy-tan was drawn and became a tirech’s mascot.
(1:04:11 PM) wakabaka: Schoolars, seeing That Design™, began moving from nullchan to tirech.
(1:04:34 PM) wakabaka: That time, mentach died.
(1:05:39 PM) wakabaka: At nullchan, dollfuckers (people who created and chatted inside Official™ Rozen Maiden Threads) activized and quickly became a hatred object.
(1:06:09 PM) wakabaka: There were whole-board wipes, tons of SAGE, nigras, guro and feces.
(1:07:37 PM) wakabaka: And downtimes. At first, EFG (epicfailguy, aka loladmin — nullchan’s admin) hosted 0chan under his bed. His internets were not fast enough to hold lots of users, so downtimes were something usual.
(1:07:47 PM) Jkid: Why the term dollfuckers for Rozen Maiden?
(1:08:09 PM) wakabaka: Jkid: historical and language reasons
(1:08:22 PM) wakabaka: You say, for example, animufag (suffix -fag)
(1:08:45 PM) wakabaka: In russian, you can say анимуфаг (suffix -fag) or анимуёб (suffix -fucker).
(1:09:06 PM) wakabaka: So, Rozen Maiden is about dolls, isn’t it?
(1:09:48 PM) Jkid: yes
(1:09:50 PM) wakabaka:
Ndee “Jkid” Okeh